Rep. Sheehan Comments on Governor’s State of the State and Budget Address

Homer Glen, IL…Rep. Sheehan gave the following statement after the conclusion of Governor Pritzker’s combined State of the State and Budget Address today in Springfield.

“The Governor’s proposed FY26 budget is the largest in state history, yet it fails to address the $425 million deficit our state faces,” Rep. Sheehan said. “The Governor’s revenue assumptions are overly optimistic and include $590 million in additional revenue from statutory changes that haven’t even taken effect yet. He also proposes a $2 billion increase in spending, including at least a $150 million increase in illegal migrant spending while failing to account for existing fiscal challenges. This reckless budgeting should concern every Illinois family as it mirrors the same patterns of unsustainable spending we’ve seen over the past six years.

House Republicans have a better plan. No new taxes, no more sanctuary state spending, and no more backroom budgeting that shuts the public out of the process. We need transparency, accountability, and policies that prioritize Illinois taxpayers. Illinois families deserve leaders who will fight for them, not burden them with higher taxes to cover up years of fiscal mismanagement.”

Rep. Sheehan proudly serves the people of the 37th District.



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